On December 22 I broke my arm in a fall on our last turn around the ice skating rink while on a Christmas break excursion with some of my grandchildren. January 6 I had surgery to put the pieces back together with plates and screws. I have a couple of weeks before the stitches come out, a month or so in a cast, throw in a little therapy, and then I should be back up to snuff.
By the time this is all over, there should be a nice tidy list of things I can do with one hand. So far, I can:
make coffee
put on make-up reasonably well
brush my teeth
type - slowly
write - like a pre-schooler
cook - even cornbread and black-eyed peas - so we survived New Years
Cooking is interesting with an arm out of commission. I can put together just about anything, but I can't do the multi-tasking required to put a meal together quickly. I have to think about how to do things that are normally automatic. Every task takes place in slow motion.
I've also learned to knit after a fashion. I asked one of my Ravelry groups for one-handed hobby suggestions and one lady said to try knitting with super long needles like some European knitters do. So I tucked a wooden #19 under my right arm, cast on some bulky variegated stuff from my stash and proceeded to knit. The best I can tell, I'm doing some form of continental.
And I'm slow. Still, slow knitting is better than no knitting, so I'll take it!